Have no fear 😕 of perfection, you’ll never reach it.

And how i live a perfectly imperfect life.

Riki Adi Setiawan
1 min readSep 1, 2020

Is perfection the greatest achievement ever? Or is it just a concept of a bunch ignorant people who constantly comparing things to reach the expectation.

Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

According to Plato in his theory of form “perfection” only exist in the realm of thought. To me there’s no such thing as perfection in this mortal world, the form of insecurities, the cloud of doubts, and the stream of hatred fill the ideas of perfection itself. Nothing more evil than being a perfectionist, what maybe perfect for someone may not be perfect for you, me or anyone.

So does perfection really exist?

It is the greater evil to our mind slave.

It is a form of illusion to material reality.

It is the measurement that can’t be measured.

Reaching for something unreachable is stupid, so stupid make me forget that something imperfectly beautiful is happening to me right now, right here, only just to find the perfection.

Maybe i’m just imagining things. It’s hard to tell when you haven’t slept for almost 2 days. never mind the words, i’m living the perfectly imperfect life.

